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Dev Story

What's changed #3: Sub-IDs

알 수 없는 사용자 2013. 9. 25. 07:55

Manage Member Information > Sub-IDs

Invite others to manage your app cooperatively

+ update : 2013-09-25

As we all know, lots of people have to cooperate to launch an application. There're software engineers, product managers, marketers, customer services, and so on. But we haven't been providing any way to support that kind of cooperation inside of T store Developer Center.

Now, it's changed. Instead of sharing ID and password to everybody, developers can invite their coworkers (up to 20) to log-in by their email address and manage the applications together.

We're calling this as "Sub-ID". Sub-ID is not an official developer account, so users of Sub-ID don't have to sign up. The owner of an application can generate Sub-IDs and send email invitations to the coworker. Then the coworkers can log-in to T store Developer Center using the credentials given. 


One ID to rule them all

1. Only the owner can manage app
2. No access permission per menu

Division of works among coworkers

1. Sub-ID can be given to others (up to 20)
2. Can grant permission per menu
3. Can be added/deleted anytime

How to create Sub-IDs 

1. Visit 'Manage Your Sub-IDs' menu

2. Create a new Sub-ID

- Username of Sub-ID always starts with the Username of developer himself, and can be up to 50 characters.
 (If a developer 'darkknight' creates Sub-IDs, they will be like 'darkknight_joker', 'darkknight_bane'...)
- Developer is the one who creates the initial password for a Sub-ID.
- E-mail can be duplicated. 

3. Grant initial menu permission of Sub-ID 

- Developers can grant initial permission per the menus. (on/off)

4. Coworker accepts the invitation

- After the coworker received the mail and accept the invitation, their information is shown like below:

5. Delete Sub-IDs or control their permission if you want 



1. We don't check whether email address of Sub-IDs is duplicated. (But their username can't be duplicated)
2. Menus under permission control are: Apps, Payment, Customer Services, Promotion, Security Center, Remote Test.
3. Sub-IDs For menus under "Support", .

사업자 정보 표시
SK플래닛 | 서진우 | 경기도 성남시 분당구 판교로 264 the Planet | 사업자 등록번호 : 104-86-36968 | TEL : 02-1600-6573 | Mail : devhelper@tstore.co.kr | 통신판매신고번호 : 제2014-경기성남-0036호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기

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